

Saturday 26 March 2016

The retrovirus problem

"Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. is a Biochemist, cellular and molecular biologist with over 30 years of scientific expertise. Mikovits has long believed that the vaccine movement is dangerous. The government has consistently attempted to silence her, including framing her for `stealing` research documents."

"Dr Judy blew the whistle when she discovered that vaccines and the blood supply were contaminated with a retrovirus linked to a myriad of modern day diseases that include ME/CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Non HIV AIDS, Lymphocytic Leukaemia, numerous Cancers and Autism ASD. "

"Her 20 year career with the National Cancer Institute was subsequently destroyed by the powers that be. She was wrongfully jailed without a warrant or charge and gag ordered by the court for the last 4 years! Silent no more, Dr Judy fielded questions LIVE from Ventura CA and from the TFR audience. If you have never heard about the retrovirus problem, then you can thank the CDC, NIH, FDA, and other government agencies for covering up the problem since it was first reported to them in 1991 by American immunologist Elaine DeFreitas. "

"They did not want to alarm you. They didn’t want to induce a panic, or a rebellion against the use of vaccines. They didn’t want to send shock waves through the conventional medical care system and the pharmaceutical industry that would threaten their profits. They didn’t want to risk a public panic among people needing blood transfusions. They didn’t want to disturb the resolve of Big Pharma and political leaders working to pass mandatory vaccination laws. They didn’t want to interfere with the full implementation of genetically engineered crops. They didn’t want to lay the groundwork for numerous class action lawsuits from people who were harmed or who will be harmed in the next 20 to 30 years as the retroviruses continue to multiply in the bodies of infected persons. "

Viral material prepared in the laboratory can cross from mouse cells to human cells by way of vaccinations and blood transfusions. From there it embeds itself into the DNA of the host and can lie dormant for up to twenty years.

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